At first I thought the recommendation wasn’t statesmanlike enough: the new music video “Fully Automated Luxury Communism” by Florida Klaus.
As a former rock’n’roll advisor under German President Walter Scheel, I still have something like a residual responsibility. I also have to look again into the fine print of the employment contracts to see to what extent it is obligatory.
Because I also watched the credits, I can consider myself quite reassured …
The GrübelSound smash hit KATZE ERKENNEN probably still resonates where it was heard. So also me as the main responsible person. In the song lyrics it is not least the concluding lines, …
Then you do not go swimming Without a balloon And if it says SPD on it who cares?
… which make me feel a certain melancholy. As Rock’n’Roll Commissioner under Federal President Walter Scheel (FDP), I always maintained a friendly relationship with the coalition partner.
My attempt at differentiation, however, remained somewhat half-hearted: In the shallows of the present website, I also gave out a text alternative against the big competitor on a trial basis at the point just mentioned:
Then probably not much helps except a lot of rubbish and you put your hope in the CDU
A certain relaxation sets in when I register the comparatively rude methods currently used by legal scholar Christoph Möllers in the magazine MERKUR to address the Social Democrats’ dwindling voter base:
In other words, it is not clear whether the decline of social democratic parties following certain pro-business reform policies was also caused by them.
This connection will probably go down in history as the Wikihausen trilemma: To assume that economic unfriendliness is a necessary consequence of political alternatives would be just as frivolous as abandoning social revolutionary pathos altogether.
Olaf Scholz’s observation will have to become more acute from this point of view.
Here I am asked by an ominous instance of cultural journalism about my first album BROTESTSONGS – about protest, politics and sound art. An explanation from the guitar politburo about the question, what the album title BROTESTSONGS is supposed to mean or what simply has to be said about it. (Two more explanatory videos follow).