The GrübelSound smash hit KATZE ERKENNEN probably still resonates where it was heard. So also me as the main responsible person. In the song lyrics it is not least the concluding lines, …
Then you do not go swimming Without a balloon And if it says SPD on it who cares?
… which make me feel a certain melancholy. As Rock’n’Roll Commissioner under Federal President Walter Scheel (FDP), I always maintained a friendly relationship with the coalition partner.
Federal President Walter Scheel (1919–2016) CC BY-SA 3.0 Bundesarchiv
My attempt at differentiation, however, remained somewhat half-hearted: In the shallows of the present website, I also gave out a text alternative against the big competitor on a trial basis at the point just mentioned:
Then probably not much helps except a lot of rubbish and you put your hope in the CDU
A certain relaxation sets in when I register the comparatively rude methods currently used by legal scholar Christoph Möllers in the magazine MERKUR to address the Social Democrats’ dwindling voter base:
In other words, it is not clear whether the decline of social democratic parties following certain pro-business reform policies was also caused by them.
This connection will probably go down in history as the Wikihausen trilemma: To assume that economic unfriendliness is a necessary consequence of political alternatives would be just as frivolous as abandoning social revolutionary pathos altogether.
Olaf Scholz’s observation will have to become more acute from this point of view.
RAMMSTEIN keyboardist FLAKE devotes this episode of his radio-eins podcast “Des Tastenfickers Podcast” to the smiling side of his guild and calls it “humor music”.
It’s good that we can quickly get an overview of what has happened so far.
Note: At 35:30 min. Flake mentions that the COMEDIAN HARMONISTS were banned by the Nazis in 1927. The formation existed 1928-1935.
In this talk (in German) with preface from The Producer Network channel, we hear from Simon Semrau a fairly condensed summary of what marketing for music on streaming platforms and social networks means today.
At the 2nd International DADA Fair in the free art space GISELA (🐻 Berlin-Lichtenberg) has the 🖼 visual work of Konrad GRÜBELBACH in the art context premiere until Mar 8, 2021. The digital collage “R” has even made it to the poster motif of the exhibition. 🙂
The Great DADAsopher (Gerhard Zaucker, Instagram: @gerhardzaucker) gives himself the honor and me from his point of view information on the contemporary theme of the 😷 mask in connection with the continuation of DADA.
Here is another serious video on the entire exhibition from the GISELA team (Instagram: @gisela_freier_kunstraum):
Normally, what applies to all modern corporations of this type applies to 🎵 GrübelSound: strict secrecy is essential. But sometimes you have to get out with it. So in a Corona-battered December 2020, it’s the likeable young traditional label that presents its statistics in an 💻 online conference.
The evaluation in a 📊 diagram throws a spotlight on the current situation in the 🔗 social networks. Konrad GRÜBELBACH and his label GrübelSound are not exactly unaffected.
The driving force is clearly 🟠 Instagram with a good 400 subscribers. As if 🃏 magically, the values of the other two major platforms have rounded off at the same time: 🐤 Twitter to 300, 🔵 Facebook to 100.
It is known that 🟠 Instagram is growing and users are very active. There are very many, not least from the music sector, who present their own creative projects. 🐤 Twitter is weaker in Germany than in other countries – wrongly so, if you’re interested in the possibilities. Where else are there such chances to be found directly under #hashtags, per click even without sorting by algorithms according to news?
🔵 Facebook scores with 💬 thematic groups, in which 🎭 music and satire videos for 🎸 GRÜBELBACH could be reached the most so far. 🎞🟥 YouTube, on the other hand, seems hopelessly overcrowded and can only be proven at all for GrübelSound with complicated computational methods. In addition, Facebook subscribers are on average not as animated to follow compared to the bandwagon horse Instagram – either due to a lack of interest or also influenced by the fact that the 🔲 interface is somewhat more sober and the subscribe button is two clicks away, while on Instagram it is provided with the legible ☑️ appeal “Subscribe” after just one click. The Facebook 👍 Like is known to be a ♥️ heart on Instagram – more intuitive, ‘one’ would probably say.
Konrad GRÜBELBACH, as 📀 label head also his own boss, thanked an unknown crowd of 📰📺📻 journalists in the tele-conference, which could now become a regular habit in the 🗓 diary of the stressed 💻🌎 metropolis Internet. Grübelbach of the further:
My thanks go first and foremost to the numerous participants in the 🔗 social networks, who could convince themselves of 🎵 GrübelSound productions. We take this as an opportunity to work even harder in the future for unhinged to abysmal entertainment.